Thursday, April 7, 2011

Visit by Spring S'pore, IE S'pore, JTC & DBS

We have the pleasure of hosting our guests from Spring Singapore, IE Singapore, JTC and DBS at SOC@Bintan on 28th March. We also took the opportunity to give the guests a glimpse of the Bintan Industrial Estate.

Arrival of our guests at the estate's ferry terminal.  Our Senior G/M, Mr. Tai, was there to 
receive all the guests.

Deputy EO of Spring Spore, Mr. Ted Tan, and Group Director (Infrastructure, Env't & Eng.) of IE Spore, Mr. Tham, Senior VP (Enterprise Banking) of DBS, Mr. Goh, and VP (Enterprise Banking) of DBS, Alicia, being briefed by Mr. Tai in the presence of Singatac M/D, Torben Fong.

Managers of Spring Spore, Han Wee, Yvette, and Lee Huang, 
 Manager of IE Spore, Zhi Xian, and Managers of JTC, Yan Ping & Ai Ting, doing their 
share of inspection.

The visit is a stamp of confidence and approval on our decision to expand our operation to Bintan, and a recognition of everyone's effort in the developing SOC@Bintan and overcoming all problems which come with it.

Our guests taking a break with refreshment prepared by our staffs in SOC.

Mr. Tai shows his appreciation of our PTSB ladies.

Company photographer granting himself a personal photo collection of Jamie of Spring Spore.

We have expected SOC@Bintan's readiness to be in time to meet the market recovery and upswing, and the anticipation and prediction seem on course although the waiting anxiety took more effort than just pure patience. We have to overcome many obstacles and hindrances to come this far.

 Alphie catches up with his ex-platoon commander, Mr. Ted Tan, Deputy EO of Spring Spore.

A final shot with all the guests.

We also have the privilege of hosting numerous distinguished guests from various companies of international repute in the past months, and this has generated a lot of excitement among our clients and Indonesia government officials about the potential of SOC@Bintan.

Nevertheless, the job is not finished. We have to demonstrate the viability of SOC@Bintan, and deliver on our promises to our clients.

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