Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jetty Construction as at 20th Dec 2010

Piling is 75% completed. Backfilling has started.  Tie back and construction of parapet wall will start in January 2011.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Construction of Load-Out Jetty Started on 15th Oct

The barge is picking up the pipe piles at our yard's service jetty for the commencement of the jetty construction.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit by TE Subcom LLC

On 12 Oct 2010, we received visitors on behalf of TE Subcom LLC.  TE Subcom is a business unit of Tyco Electronics.

Tyco Electronics is a US$10.3 billion global provider of engineered electronic components for thousands of consumer and industrial products; network solutions and systems for telecommunications and energy markets; undersea telecommunication systems; and specialty products.

A presentation was made by Bintan Industrial Estate on its facilities and services, which was followed by an introduction and tour of Singatac Offshore Centre @ Bintan.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Latest Update!

Two workshops (20m W x 120L each) have been completed. 
Each workshop is serviced by two units of SWL 20T overhead cranes 
and one unit of SWL 5T overhead crane.
 Construction of light jetty. Scheduled for completion by 1st week Oct 2010.

View from the security lookout platform.
Opposite is the Lobam Island.

 Equipment awaiting installation: lathes, milling machines,
 1000 Ton presses, shearing machine, plate rolling machine, etc.

 Commencement of steel fabrication

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Contract Award : Jacking Equipment for the Salvage of Rig "West Atlas"

Contracted by customer from Netherlands for the manufacturing of lifting clamps and strandjack support equipment (total : 250 tons)  for the salvage of damaged rig "West Atlas".  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montara_oil_spill for information on the damage.  Contract will be performed in Singapore.

The damaged rig "West Atlas" in the Montara oil field
at the Timor Sea off the northern coast of Western Australia.
(http://www.rawfish.com.au/greens-senatordeplores-governments-west-atlas-oil-spill-management/ )

Latest Update!

Main columns, trusses and purlins have been erected. 
Getting ready for the roof & wall covering and installation of the 10-Ton overhead cranes.
The security post iwo beach & jetty.

 Finishing touch to the new electrical substation. 
Capacity: 2000KV

 New signage "SINGATAC OFFSHORE CENTRE" installed. 

The new foundation for the tower crane being
installed.  Total weight: approx. 300 tons.

 Getting the crane components ready for installation
in mid July 2010.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ready......Get Set......Go! [Almost...]

 100m x 75m

Future PT MG's office.  Maybe.  I will consider.

An important chapter.

Friday, April 9, 2010

250T Transporter - The New Found Toy!!

Mr. Tai and his guys trying out the "new toy"!

BIE Newsletter

There is a feature in the Jan~Mar 2010 newsletter about PT Singatac Bintan.


Courtesy of Mr. K.S. Kang, we get following updates.

Workshop B - Production Floor Laid

Production Toilet

Staff Canteen

Main Entrance Signage

 Main Access Road

 Foundation for Gantry Cranes

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Construction-in-Progress as seen on 5 March 2010.

Chandra updating everyone on the progress.  
Main access road under construction on the right.

Production floor for Workshops A & B being laid with
reinforced concrete.  All RC footings have been completed
and the workshops are ready for erection.
Yellow building on the top left is the
completed production toilets.

Sections of tower crane's mast prepared for erection.

The 6000kg topmost section of the tower crane sitting lonesome and
unmajestically on the ground.  
For reasons unknown, it is called the Cat Head.  
It wouldn't be long before it will be one of the
the highest points in the estate once it is elevated to the 
height of 45m.

The "Inspectors" going to check out the apartments.  
At 50m2 each, it is a decent size for 1 or 2 persons.

Final design after strict specification and 
approval by Melvyn!

Yard Canteen

The Main Office is 90% ready.  Brand new meeting room.

One of the managers' offices

General office
