Saturday, March 6, 2010


Construction-in-Progress as seen on 5 March 2010.

Chandra updating everyone on the progress.  
Main access road under construction on the right.

Production floor for Workshops A & B being laid with
reinforced concrete.  All RC footings have been completed
and the workshops are ready for erection.
Yellow building on the top left is the
completed production toilets.

Sections of tower crane's mast prepared for erection.

The 6000kg topmost section of the tower crane sitting lonesome and
unmajestically on the ground.  
For reasons unknown, it is called the Cat Head.  
It wouldn't be long before it will be one of the
the highest points in the estate once it is elevated to the 
height of 45m.

The "Inspectors" going to check out the apartments.  
At 50m2 each, it is a decent size for 1 or 2 persons.

Final design after strict specification and 
approval by Melvyn!

Yard Canteen

The Main Office is 90% ready.  Brand new meeting room.

One of the managers' offices

General office


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shipment to SOC

Over the next few days, we shall see almost 1,270 Tons of material and equipment being transferred from our Singapore yard to the Centre.  We have the 200' barge "E.T. Offshore 27"& 894 HP Tug "E.T. Ocean 9" on charter for this shipment.

Loaded onboard shall be our brand new 250-Ton shipyard transporter, 10-Ton Verlinde gantry crane, 108 Tons of steel material, 490 units of concrete blocks (weighing almost 1,029 Tons in total), gritblasting equipment and miscellaneous items.

Loading Operation

Transporter being driven onto the barge. 
The ramps are not so good!

Some of the concrete blocks waiting to be lifted onboard.

Will be quite a sight when the barge arrives at the SOC on 5th March.